
Erebus Abyss




Status: Complete
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Cell security

The most important features of the cell are that it is impossible to die in, and that it is situated in the end. There are 12-block-thick cobblestone generators on the roof, walls, and floor that do not allow suffocation damage. The cell is filled with water, but there is a conduit. There are elder guardians to administer mining fatigue. A regeneration beacon prevents starving to death.

Outside defence

Erebus abyss has an area of 57 blocks by 57 blocks. Its most important form of protection is perception box, a mass of observers that detects when any block is broken and uses mushroom growth to destroy an end portal inside. This end portal happens to be the only one remaining after all others were destroyed. If banishment is ever triggered, the prisoner will be trapped inside an impermeable cell and visiting is no longer possible. (Pearl glitching is also detected, as is squilly glitching, almost.) Also, the prison is surrounded by snow golem player detectors that detect players in a 64x64x64 cube and alert the guards.

More security

The guards can manually cause the end portal to be destroyed. There is always a guard outside of the prison and always the warden stays safely inside of perception box in case the prisoner needs to be let out.

When a visit ends, the visitor is forced to sleep in a bed to prevent dying again and secretly reentering the cell.

If you eat chorus fruit near the prison, there is a chance you will land in a trap that detects you and triggers banishment.

Prison video

Escape videos