
Loki's Final Vault




Status: V1 (V1.Millo pending)

Cell Security

There are 3 minimum and 4 maximum security cells. All have a single layer of water on the ground, and the walls regenerate using a cobblestone generator. Visiting and guard access is via the ceiling. In all of them, the prisoner respawns from below with a squilly bed glitch. In the maximum security cells, the pistons are configured to replace a block as soon as it is broken, so that it is impossible to suffocate or drown (conduits are in range of all 7 cells anyway).

Outside defence

Below the prison is a pearl glitch detector which is chorus fruit proof, and above the prison is an unbypassable mining detector placed below a small bubble ocean, and that is below a useless mining detector. All around the prison are hundreds of thousands of anvils; if any are broken, an alarm will trigger, as will one if any of the large ring of observers that surrounds the prison is broken.

More security

A wholehearted but unsavable attempt was made to patch UEPSC/LLEPSC. Before entering their cell, a maximum security prisoner will be told to set their spawn at their bed, but will not be killed. They then tame a dog and set an ender pearl. They will finally drop into the cell through the ceiling, so that the ender pearl does not despawn. If they teleport away, the dog will also teleport, triggering the stasis chamber and an area ban in about 1 second.

The end exploit was fixed by blocking the spawnpoint of the bed immediately after respawn, so teleporting back with the exit portal will cause the player to spawn in a separate chamber and be detected.

If tile tick suppression is attempted, a piston-and-minecart system will trigger several area bans all around the prison (although the ban items will despawn after 5 minutes forever).

Prison video

Escape videos